


有限会社 博愛会ケアサービスセンター
Hakuaikai Care Service Center Ltd.
代表取締役 小野 真嗣
Representative Director Masatsugu Ono
Concurrently serves as facility manager in charge of nursing care business)


 After obtaining nursing care support specialist (care manager) qualifications, I started a limited company in 2003 and started the nursing care business.Thanks to everyone's support, about 20 years have passed.I feel that the social situation has changed considerably compared to when I first entered the industry and now.While the number of elderly people is increasing, the number of workers is decreasing, and it must be said that there is a chronic shortage of workers.In particular, ``The 2025 problem is serious, and the number of elderly people aged 75 and over is expected to remain at 23 million until 2065, while the productive population is expected to decline by 40%.'' It is suggested that in the near future there will be a shortage or exhaustion of workers, making it difficult to provide stable nursing care services.I also provide nursing care in the field, so I feel a strong sense of crisis regarding this.Currently, in order to ensure that our nursing care services continue to be provided to our residents and users, I am working overseas to form agreements with related organizations and attract excellent human resources from overseas to ensure a stable supply of nursing care services. We also provide direct guidance to foreign personnel.We actively strive to communicate in English to avoid misunderstandings with foreign personnel.We also value the culture of foreign personnel and strive to help them adapt to life in Japan.

保持資格及び修了講習(Qualifications held and completion courses)

医療・介護福祉系(Qualifications held and completion courses)
柔道整復師(Bonesetter national license)
介護支援専門員(Care manager license)
社会福祉士主事任用(social worker license)
介護福祉士(Care worker national license)
技能系(Skill system)
2級ボイラー技士(2nd class boiler engineer national license)
2種電気工事士(Class 2 electrician national license)
乙4危険物取扱者(Otsu 4 Hazardous materials handler national license)
石油機器技術管理士(Petroleum equipment technical manager)
大型特殊免許(Large special license)
車両系建設機械(Vehicle-based construction machinery national license)
修了講習(Completion course)
技能実習責任者講習修了(Completion of technical raining administrator Course)
技能実習指導員講習修了(Completion of technical training supervision course)
外部委員(external committee member)
藤崎町介護保険運営協議会委員(Fujisaki Town Nursing Care Insurance Management Council Member)

沿 革

博愛堂接骨院 開業
有限会社 博愛会ケアサービスセンター 設立
グループホーム テレサ苑の事業を開始
デイサービス テレサ苑の事業を開始(デイサービス事業を林崎地区へ移行)
デイサービス テレサ苑は事業内容を一般型から認知症対応型へ変更する。

1.About Dementia care facility 【認知症ケア施設について】

My facility is dementia care facility.
Facility resident is 18 people max.
Dementia patient can not remember new things.

2.About how to care of dementia patient.【認知症患者のケアの仕方について】

We tell to patient slowly and several time.
However, when patient can not take action of next.
We do care and help to patient.
Once again
At frist, we call out to patient.
At next, we wait their take action of next.
At end,when patient can not do it only.
We do care and help to patient.
※Wait things is most important.
Therefore,Don`t help right away.
Because, Dementia patient has ability to do.
We have to maintenance their ability to do.

About Aomori Prefecture【青森県について】

Aomori Prefecture is cold area.
Because it`s in the north area.
There is four season.
Spring Summer Fall Winter
Winter season is snowing.
Winter season is about 3 months.
It`s from December to February.
There is many farmer.
Industry is agriculture.
Aomori Prefecture is famous apples and rice.

協定締結のためインドネシアのムハマディヤ大学訪問時の各種写真(R5.10.13 AM)

(左側から4人目までは大学の先生/ 産婦人科医UMI氏 / 中央・私の妻と私 / 中央・副学長SAI氏とChan先生及び先生 / 通訳者2名 / 生徒Afizatulのお父さんと生徒Afizatul / 生徒Elvinaとそのお母さん)

(左側から健康科学部長 産婦人科医 UMI氏 / 私の妻 / 私 / 副学長 SAI氏)

(左側 Novi先生・・EPA制度で日本での勤務経験有。私に日本語と英語にて大学施設内の説明と案内をされる。)


インドネシアのスディルマン大学訪問時の各種写真(R5.10.13 PM)

(左側から4人は先生(内、左から2番目の先生は人文科日本語学科の先生) / 私の隣は大学長 ROM氏 / 
私と妻 / 通訳の方 / 右側から3人は先生)


送り出し機関との打合せ後の会食会の各種写真(R5.10.14 PM)

(左側からMegumi社(日本語学校) 経営者 Haru氏 / 臨床検査ラボラトリー 医学博士 Andi 氏 /
コーディネーター 中川 氏 / 私 / 嫁 / 日本語学校教師 Nana 氏) 


